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A warm welcome to Al Manar School- the school where creativity flourishes . We at Al Manar is committed to developing students of high academic achievement and social independence. We are obliged to mould responsible , ruly and compassionate individuals who are fully prepared to face the challenges that the modern world offers.
Our exceptionally committed administrative and academic staff defines our mission and academic principles. In addition to that, our meticulously designed curriculum develops creativity and critical thinking skills of our students. Beyond the classroom, the school offers a wide range of competitive and recreational activities that nourish the capabilities of students. We foster regular communication with parents to update the progress of the students.
The students at Al Manar work independently and cooperatively and each child is proud of their ability and is confident in achieving their educational goals. We are determined to help each child accomplish the best by letting them develop at their own pace.
Please visit us and see what Al Manar is all about. I look forward to seeing you.
Ms. Hessa Mohamed Khalifa Al Fadhel